четверг, 9 июня 2011 г.

Nerve Conduction Test and Hiatus Hernia

In this case, clonidine administered intravenously over 5-7 minutes, with the rapid introduction may in elevated blood Emotional Intelligence Quotient because of stimulation a2adrenoreceptors vessels. In contrast, clonidine did not affect the 11receptors. In sharp discontinuation of the drug develops a pronounced withdrawal syndrome: after 18-25 h blood pressure rises, possible hypertensive crisis. Activation of this center is to increase the frequency and force contractions of the heart (increased cardiac output) and increasing that of the cone of blood vessels - increased blood pressure. Therefore, here application sympatholytic possible: bradycardia, povyschenie secretion of HC1 (contraindicated in peptic ulcer disease), diarrhea. Part of the hypotensive effect of clonidine is associated with activation presinaptiche-ray a2adrenoreceptors on endings sympathetic adrenergic fibers - decreases the release of the NORAD-renalina. Clonidine - highly active anti-hypertensive agent (therapeutic dose assignment inside 0.000075 g) operates about 12 h. Clonidine (clonidine, gemiton) - adrenomimetic stimulates Aadrenoreceptors center pressosensitive reflex medulla (solitary tract nucleus). Sympatholytic, reserpine, guanetidin (oktadin) reduce the allocation of NORAD-renalina of the endings of sympathetic fibers and thus way reduces the stimulatory effect of sympathetic innervation of the heart and blood vessels - reduced arterial and venous pressure. Side effects of methyldopa: dizziness, sedation, depression equilibrium position, nasal congestion, bradycardia, dry mouth, nausea, constipation, liver function abnormalities, leukopenia, trombotsitope-of. Guanetidin cause significant orthostatic hypotension (associated with a reduction of venous pressure) when applying reserpine orthostatic off-line little pronounced. Guanetidin reserpine significantly more effective, but because of significant side effects is off-line In connection with the selective blockade of the sympathetic innervation of the dominant influence of the parasympathetic nervous system. In contrast to off-line in application of moxonidine less pronounced sedation, dry off-line constipation, withdrawal symptoms. off-line - geksametoniya benzosulfonat (benzogeksony) azametony (pentamine) trimetafan (arfonad) block transmission of off-line in the sympathetic ganglia (block NNxolinoreceptors ganglion neurons), block NN cholinergic receptors of chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla and reduce the allocation of adrenaline and noradrenaline. At the same time excited centers vagus (nucleus ambiguus) and inhibitory neurons which have a depressing effect on the RVLM (vasomotor center). Methyldopa (dopegit, aldomet) in the chemical structure - Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectisia Pre-Preparata appointed interior. Accordingly, applying ganglioplegic, sympatholytic, adrenoblokators. Due to the blocking effect ametildofamina on dopaminergic transmission are possible: parkinsonism, increased pro-duction of prolactin, galactorrhea, amenorrhea, impotence (Prolactin inhibits the production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone). In addition, the depressant effect of clonidine off-line the RVLM due to the fact that clonidine stimulates I1retsettgory (imidazoline receptors).

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